Hello Sweet Family!
Another awesome week! I hope everyone watched and just LOVED conference! It was SO fantiastic! I received, as I'm sure all of you did as well, much inspiracion and revelacion(Why do those words look weird?). A big theme I noticed was member missionary work! I hope everyone felt a confirmation that the work isn't only for set apart missionaries, it's for every member around the world. Everything got me excited to work lots with the missionaries when I get home, especially go out with them to lessons and work with the Spanish misionaries! How fun hey?! I have to learn Spanish first though, funny thing about that. Well, something else that I loved about conference was all the talk about families and protecting their virtue. For me, that was very special. Especially as I thought about y'all eating crepes together and laughing. Being away makes me appreciate so much more of the love we all have for each other and the Lord. We are a truly blessed family. I was really excited to hear about Brad and Holly expecting a new baby to come into the family! I'll definitely need an update about that!! I'm really proud of them and how they're leaning on the Lord to help them, as this is a somewhat scary thing to do, but wonderful at the same time! They are literally changing that child's life by raising them in a loving home. I love our family.
Something else I really loved from conferenca was in President Uchtdorf's talk. He said, "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith." I'm sure that was all over pintrest and facebook within 3 minutes. It is so true though. When times get tough we need to cling to the faith that we have in Christ, knowing we're not alone and we are being guided in everything we do. We have a responsibility, as believers in Christ, to follow his example in every way. Including sharing our testimonies, helping others, being kind, reading the scriptures, praying to Heavenly Father, and of course, being baptized by someone holding the proper priesthood authority. Plus many other things. Doing all of these things are hardly ever easy and we find ourselves busy with other things in life. But I know as we strive to the standards that we claim to have as Christians, we will be eternally blessed. God is our Loving Heavenly Father. We lived with Him before we came to this earth. We chose to come here to receive a body in order to be tested and gain experience and happiness through families. Families are central to God's plan. He gives us families so we can experience a fullness of joy on the earth. Along with families, God gives us prophets to lead and guide us through a harsh world. It's been a pattern since the world began to have prophets help God's children. But as another trend, the prophets of God are rejected. The greatest prophet the world has known is Jesus Christ. He is our Savior and friend. He came to the earth with a purpose, as we all have. His, was to proclaim His gospel, the doctrine of the Father, to the world. Sadly, even our Savior was rejected and crucified. I know that on the third day, he was resurected. And because of the Atonement he performed, we can be forgiven of sins, be cleansed, live a clean life, and return to live with Him and God again. After Christ and His apostales were gone so left the priesthood and the authority to run His church. And it was a long time of confusion and false doctrine that came from the great apostasy. But in 1820, a boy decided to ask in faith, a question that many people wondered for hundreds of years. What church is true, and if one is true how shall I know? I know that when Joseph asked with real intent, having the faith to act on his answer, he saw God the Father and Jesus Christ. In time, the true Gospel of Christ was restored to the earth, along with all of the authority and ordinances meant for our salvacion. We now have the Book of Mormon, which is another testament of Jesus Christ and His love for God's children. We can know of the truth of all things through sincere prayer and listening to the Holy Ghost. I know that this Gospel is true. I know that it was restored by Christ through the prophet Joseph Smith. We have a true prophet today, President Thomas Monson. Through him and other prophets we can know of the things we need to do in order to gain eternal life with our families. I love this work. I am so grateful I am able to share the message of the restored gospel with the people in Texas, and in a years time with those in Arizona. I love you all and am so grateful we all have this knowledge together. I have an unshakable testimony of all the things I have said, I know it is true, in the nam of Jesus Christ, amen.
Thank you for all of the love and support! Being here has changed my life forever, for the better. I will write again next week, and I'll see y'all sooner than we realize.
All my love,
Hermana Florence
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